Origins Seminar Series
Origins Seminar Series
The Origins Seminar series aims to bring together ISM, star and planet formation people, exoplanets experts, planetary scientists and astrobiologists including topics from molecular clouds through star and planet formation to exoplanets detection and characterization and astrobiology.
The seminar series is organized by Serena Kim (SO), Allison Towner (SO), Zarah Brown (LPL), Dingshan Deng (LPL), and Shuo Kong (SO) from Steward Observatory(SO)/Dept. of Astronomy and Dept. of Planetary Sciences (LPL) at the University of Arizona. The Origins Seminar series is partly supported by the Earths in Other Solar Systems NExSS team.
During regular semesters, talks are generally from 12pm – 1:00pm (MST) on Mondays. 12PM Arizona Time (MST) = 12pm PDT = 3pm EDT = 7pm UTC. If you want to receive weekly updates and advertisements for talks, please subscribe to the mailing list (click this link). If you are interested in presenting your work during one of the open slots (see below), feel free to contact the organizers: serena00 at, towner at, zbrown at, dingshandeng at, shuokong at
The Origins seminar meeting is given in Hybrid format (in-person and via zoom). The Zoom information is sent via email, and the Origins seminar talks are recorded. The talk videos can be viewed from the Origins youtube channel. Please subscribe to the mailing list to receive announcement emails about the Origins seminar talks.
Visit the Origins Seminars YouTube Channel to watch past talks!
Spring 2025
Short Talks
Feb 03, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Schuyler Wolf, University of Arizona (Steward)
Dingshan Deng, University of Arizona (LPL)
Griselda Arroyo-Chavez, University of Arizona (Steward)
Chengyan Xie, University of Arizona (LPL)
Short talks from Origins members on their recent work and events of interest to the Origins community.
New Stellar Dynamical Masses in Upper Scorpius:
A Critical Test of PMS Evolutionary Models
February 17, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Allison Towner, University of arizona (Steward)
In this talk, I will discuss recent work comparing dynamical masses and ages for 23 low-mass PMS stars in Upper Scorpius to those returned by five different sets of stellar evolutionary models. We use the new dynamical masses to evaluate the accuracy of the isochronal results, including whether any of the models are more or less accurate in particular mass ranges. We find that most isochronal methods consistently underestimate stellar mass and age. The exceptions are the magnetic models of Feiden (2016), which are generally in good agreement with the dynamical results already, and the PARSEC v1.2S models, which tend to return larger-than-dynamical masses for the lowest-mass stars (M ~ 0.1 Msun) and smaller-than-dynamical masses for our higher-mass stars (M ~ 1 Msun). We derive disk dust masses for these sources, and find that the use of dynamical rather than isochronal masses does not significantly impact the slope of the log(M_disk) vs log(M_star) relation. Finally, we examine the MCMC fitting procedure itself, and determine that traditional methods of estimating parameter uncertainty (e.g. standard deviation of the walkers) are likely underestimating parameter uncertainties by factors of 2 to 3.
GUSTO and the Future of Far-Infrared Astronomy
February 24, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Chris Walker, University of Arizona (Steward)
The Giant Planet Formation Time Window: An Observational Perspective
March 03, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Cheng-Han Hsieh, University of Texas – Austin
One of the main unsolved problems in planet formation is pinpointing when the process starts. A crucial aspect of this quest involves identifying substructures within circumstellar disks, which could serve as early indicators of planet formation. The high angular resolution observations by ALMA have been a game-changer in the field and revealed for the first time substructures in disks with unprecedented details. However, these surveys focused on more evolved Class II disks or the brightest, largest disks. We present the CAMPOS Legacy survey, an ALMA survey of embedded Class0/I and Flat protostellar disks in the star-forming clouds of Chamaeleon, Ophiuchus, Aquila, Corona Australis, and Serpens. We probed over 90 disks down to 15 au resolution and conducted the first statistical search for disk substructures around Class 0/I protostars. Our findings reveal compelling evidence suggesting a lack of substructures in young Class 0 and early Class I disks. Intriguingly, disk substructures begin to emerge only in sources with a bolometric temperature exceeding 110 K, indicating the rapid evolution of disk substructures during the Class I phase. Our CAMPOS survey has for the first time discovered how early disk substructures form and, as a corollary, when giant planet formation begins.
Title TBD
March 17, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Jorge Sanchez, Arizona State University (SESE)
Title TBD
March 24, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Dingshan Deng, University of Arizona (LPL)
Title TBD
March 31, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Nick Ballering, University of Virginia
Title TBD
April 07, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Nina Filippova, University of Texas – Austin
Title TBD
April 14, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Samantha Hasler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Revisiting the Core Accretion Paradigm for Giant Planet Formation:
Analytic Framework for the Late Infall Stage and the Distribution of Planetary Masses
April 21, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Fred Adams, University of Michigan
This presentation will be held jointly with the Theoretical Astrophysics Program (TAP)
This talk presents an analytic description for the late stages of giant planet formation, when planets gather the majority of their mass. The resulting solutions show how the protoplanet properties (envelope density distribution, velocity field, column density, disk surface density, system luminosity, and emergent spectral energy distributions) vary with the input parameters of the problem (instantaneous mass, orbital location, accretion rate, and planetary magnetic field strength). We then construct a framework for calculating the distribution of planet masses resulting from this paradigm. In this scenario, the disk lifetime determines the end of mass accretion onto the planet. The mass accretion rate depends on the size of the Hill sphere, the fraction of the disk accretion flow that enters the sphere of influence, and the efficiency with which the planet captures the incoming material. The resulting model produces a planetary mass function with a nearly power-law form, roughly consistent with current observational estimates.
Title TBD
April 28, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Ziyan Xu, University of Copenhagen
Title TBD
April 29, 2025 (Tuesday) | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Location TBD & Zoom)
Luigi Zallio, University of Milan
Title TBD
May 05, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Caleb Canas, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Title TBD
May 12, 2025 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Griselda Arroyo-Chavez, University of Arizona (Steward)
Fall 2024
OSIRIS-REx: Insights from the Asteroid Bennu and Initial Analysis of the Returned Samples
August 26, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Dante Lauretta, University of Arizona (LPL)
The OSIRIS-REx mission has been a pivotal step in our understanding of near-Earth asteroids and the early solar system. This presentation will delve into the mission’s journey to Bennu, the challenges faced in collecting samples, and the wealth of data returned. It will highlight key findings from the initial analysis of the samples, offering insights into Bennu’s composition and its implications for theories on the formation of the solar system and the origins of life.

Effect of stellar flares on atmospheric escape of terrestrial planets
September 09, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Laura Amaral, Arizona State University
The habitability of planets around M dwarfs (=<0.6 solar masses) can be affected by the X-rays + extreme UV (XUV) emission of these stars, with flares occasionally increasing the XUV flux by more than two orders of magnitude above quiescent levels. This wavelength range can warm and ionize terrestrial planets’ upper atmospheres, which expands the planetary radius and promotes atmospheric loss. In this talk, I will show how the contribution of the XUV flux due to stellar flares affects the atmospheric escape of Earth-like planets orbiting M dwarfs through numerical simulations. The simulations considered the first Gyr of planets with initial surface water abundances between 1 and 10 terrestrial oceans (TO), a small primordial hydrogen envelope (~0.001 earth masses), and host-star masses between 0.2 and 0.6 solar masses. The results show that flares can remove up to two TO more than non-flaring stars, which sometimes translates to a doubling of the total water loss. In some cases, flaring can increase atmospheric oxygen partial pressures by hundreds of bars.
Three-temperature radiation hydrodynamics with PLUTO: A powerful tool to investigate protoplanetary disks
September 10 (Tuesday), 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Dhruv Muley, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA)
The Role of Magnetic Fields in Star Formation: First Complete 3D Vector Observations
September 16, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Mehrnoosh Tahani, Stanford University
Exoplanetary Epics: Environmental Storytelling Across Planetary Systems
September 23, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Quadry Chance, University of Florida
A framework for modeling the evolution of young stellar objects
September 30, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Theo Richardson, University of Florida
Characterizing disks and planets from the ground and space
October 4 (Friday), 2024 | 10 am (MST) | Hybrid (Steward 450 & Zoom)
Matthias Samland, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA)
The JWST-MIRI View of a Gas-Rich Disk with a Large Dust Cavity
October 7, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Kamber Schwarz, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA)
Dynamics of Star Formation on Different Scales: Protostellar Envelopes, Binaries/Multiples, Disks, and Jets
October 14, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Yisheng Tu, University of Virginia
The relation between magnetic field strength and gas density: A multiscale analysis
October 21, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
David Whitworth, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Explaining the Diversity of Extrasolar Worlds
October 28, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Genaro Suarez, American Museum of Natural History
The observation and modeling of substellar objects such as brown dwarfs and exoplanets allow us to understand the physics and chemistry that govern their atmospheres, which is essential to explain their diversity. In this talk, I will show progress we have in explaining the appearance of extrasolar worlds, from the hottest (~2300 K) to the coldest (~400 K) ones. Particularly, I will present results on the formation, composition, evolution, and distribution of dust clouds that shape the emergent spectra of the warmest brown dwarfs and exoplanets using Spitzer and JWST mid-infrared spectra. In addition, I will show JWST results that are guiding us in understanding the physical and chemical processes that domain the coldest extrasolar atmospheres.
Kaleidoscope of irradiated disks: VLT/MUSE observations of proplyds
November 4, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 312 & Zoom)
Mari-Liis Aru, European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Organosulfur Chemistry in the Birthplaces of Stars and Planets
November 12 (Tuesday), 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Steward N305 & Zoom)
Suchitra Narayanan, Harvard University
The exotic gas composition around TRAPPIST-1 progenitors unveiled by JWST
November 14 (Thursday), 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Aditya Arabhavi, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Modeling Earthshine Observations for Future Exoplanet Reflected Light Missions
November 18, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Giulia Roccetti, European Southern Observatory (ESO)
November 25, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Arvind Gupta, NOIRLab
December 02, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Tatsuya Akiba, University of Colorado Boulder
December 9, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Gabriel Weible, University of Arizona
Previous Talks
Spring 2024
Recent Results on Inner Disk Chemistry from the JDISCS Team
january 22, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (Kuiper 309 & Zoom)
Colette salyk, vassar college
Short informal talks
january 29, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Yancy shirley, shuo kong, dominia itrich, mathew murphy, kevin hardegree-ullman, serena kim
Unveiling the asymmetry of the lagrange points
february 5, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
augustín Alejandro heron rivas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
In celestial mechanics, Lagrange points appear naturally in the context of the well-studied Restricted Three-Body Problem (RTBP). In particular, they are gravitational equilibrium points where the influences of two massive objects create stable regions in space. Among these points, L4 and L5, located at the vertices of equilateral triangles formed by the primary and secondary masses, have been of particular interest. These correspond to the stable Lagrange points that are expected to trap the same amount of material in their co-orbital positions in the context of planetary systems. However, both recent observations and numerical simulations have revealed a striking asymmetry between the material surrounding L4 and L5. Therefore, the goal of this talk is to present some of the physical mechanisms responsible for these interesting features. By understanding this asymmetric phenomenon, we will be able to reveal some of the key features within protoplanetary disks. For example, we could infer the presence of planets, how migration affects the evolution of planets, or the thermodynamic properties of the disk. Furthermore, these processes will be characterized by both N-body and high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations.
Substructures in protoplanetary disk imprinted by multiple-planets and the case of HD 163296: The importance of multiple dust species in hydrodynamics
february 12, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
juan garrido-deutelmoser, steward observatory
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array observations of the disk around HD 163296 have resolved a crescent-shape substructure at around 55 au. We propose that both the crescent and the dust rings are caused by a compact pair (period ratio ≃4:3) of sub-Saturn-mass planets inside the gap, with the crescent corresponding to dust trapped at the L5 Lagrange point of the outer planet. This interpretation also reproduces well the gap in the gas recently measured from the CO observations, which is shallower than what is expected in a model where the gap is carved by a single planet. The global model of the disk with four planets may fall into a long resonant chain, with the outer three planets in a 1:2:4 Laplace resonance. This configuration is not only an expected outcome from disk-planet interaction in this system, but it can also help constrain the radial and angular position of the planet candidates using three-body resonances. This numerical simulation includes the evolution of multiple dust species, and we highlight its importance presenting MDIRK: a Multifluid second-order Diagonally-Implicit Runge-Kutta method to study momentum transfer between gas and an arbitrary number (N) of dust species. In particular, admits a simple analytical solution that can be evaluated with O(N) operations, instead of standard matrix inversion, which is O(N)3. Therefore, the analytical solution significantly reduces the computational cost of the multifluid method, making it suitable for studying the dynamics of systems with particle-size distributions. The simplicity of MDIRK lays the groundwork to build fast high-order asymptotically stable multifluid methods.
Demystifying the Sub-Neptune Frontier with JWST
february 19, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
anjali piette, carnegie INstitution for science
Illuminating protoplanetary disk sub-structure and their effects on exoplanets
february 26, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
taylor kutra, lowell observatory
Of all the areas of astrophysics, the scales involved in forming planets span the most orders of magnitude. Everything from sub-micron sized dust grains that are responsible for passively heating a protoplanetary disk, to centimeter sized pebbles which accrete to form planets, or stellar companions with separations of tens of AU, can effect the planets that eventually form. In this talk, I will describe physical processes which act on all three of these scales and describe the implications for planet formation. This includes a novel steady state for irradiated protoplanetary disks with long lived pressure bumps which may a range of implications for disk evolution and planet formation.
Discovery of a spatially resolved disk wind and mid-IR variability: T Cha caught at the end of its evolution by JWST
march 04, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
naman bajaj (LPL ,U Arizona), andrew Sellek (Leiden observatory), chengyan xie (LPL, U Arizona)
Circumstellar disk dispersal is a brief, yet critical, end stage of disk evolution, dictating the end of planet formation and migration. Thermal winds powered by high-energy stellar photons have long been theorized to drive disk dispersal. However, evidence for these winds is currently based only on small (~3-6 km/s) blue-shifts in [Ne II] 12.81 um lines, which does not exclude MHD winds. We report JWST MIRI MRS spectro-imaging of T Cha, a disk with a large dust gap (~20 au in radius) and known blue-shifted [Ne II] emission. We detect four forbidden noble gas lines, [Ar II], [Ar III], [Ne II], and [Ne III], of which [Ar III] is the first detection in any protoplanetary disk. After performing continuum and PSF subtraction, we discover a spatial extension in the [Ne II] emission off the disk continuum emission, consistent with a disk wind. In contrast, we also find compact [Ar II] emission. – Naman Bajaj
We then show how by applying photoionization radiation transfer to simple hydrodynamic wind models we can predict the extent and luminosity of the Ne and Ar line emissions. Along with the low degree of ionization implied by the line ratios, we find that the relative compactness of [Ar II] compared to [Ne II] implies a dense wind such that soft X-rays and EUV only reach the inner parts of the wind while harder X-rays ionize the wind to larger radii. This requires high mass-loss rates (~10^-8 Msun/yr) and small wind launch radii (~1 au), that are consistent with the properties of X-ray-driven photoevaporation. – Andrew Sellek
We also have an unexpected discovery that the JWST continuum of T Cha is significantly different from the Spitzer data (up to 3 times lower in shorter wavelengths and 3 times higher in longer wavelengths) despite only ~17 years separating the observations. This change is highly likely to be non-periodic and can be caused by the asymmetric inner disk of T Cha that has significantly decreased in mass over human timescale. In combination with the observed disk dispersal, this inner disk evolution suggests that we might be witnessing the last stage T Cha’s disk evolution. – Chengyan Xie
Thermal Properties of the Hot Core Population in Sagittarius B2 Deep South
march 11, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Desmond Jeff, university of Florida
Hot molecular cores are thought to represent a key phase of protostellar evolution and the evolution of the ISM, as the antecedents to ultra-compact HII regions and formation sites of complex organic molecules. However, owing to the complex interplay between gas-phase and grain-surface chemistry in pre and protostellar cores, the temporal and physical evolution of hot cores is still not well understood. The evolution of hot cores is further unexplored in the Milky Way’s Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) where, owing to the CMZ’s peculiarly low star formation rate, there are few examples of ongoing star formation. We report the discovery of 9 new hot molecular cores in the Deep South region of Sagittarius B2 (Sgr B2) using ALMA Band 6 observations. LTE modeling of methanol (CH3OH) lines reveals the cores’ resolved temperature and column density structure, which we use to derive the structural properties of the cores. We further perform comparisons of these properties to a sample of hot cores elsewhere in Sgr B2 and in the Galactic disk, providing hints on the relative onset of star formation in different regions of Sgr B2, new formation pathways for CH3OH in warm (> 250 K) ISM conditions, and the impact of the CMZ’s environment on massive star formation.
from the data to knowledge: a detailed investigation of recent findings of wasp-39b using jwst ers era
march 18, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
anna lüber, Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) University of Bern
The era of JWST transmission spectroscopy of exoplanetary atmospheres commenced with studying the Saturn-mass gas giant WASP-39b as part of the Early Release Science (ERS) program. WASP-39b was observed using four individual JWST instrument modes (NIRCam, NIRISS, NIRSpec G395H, and NIRSpec PRISM), with the resulting spectra detailed in a series of publications by the ERS team. In this presentation, we delve into assessing the information content of these spectra measured using the different instrument modes, focusing on the complexity of the temperature-pressure and chemical abundance profiles warranted by the data. We examine the detectability of molecules in each mode and discuss the fidelity of the results obtained from atmospheric retrievals. Two Bayesian inference methods are used to perform atmospheric retrievals: the standard nested sampling method and the supervised machine learning method of the random forest (trained on the model grid of Crossfield 2023). For nested sampling, Bayesian model comparison is used to identify the set of models with the required complexity to explain the data.
Feeling the Heat: testing external photoevaporation through optical forbidden lines in Orion
march 25, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
karina mauco, European Southern Observatory
Most planetary systems, including our Solar System, form in massive star clusters, where external photoevaporation by UV radiation from OB stars profoundly influences the evolution of protoplanetary disks. The Orion star-forming region is a unique laboratory to study this process, mainly because it is the closest (~400 pc) star-forming region containing OB massive stars.
In this talk, I will show the results of the first large-scale survey of the mid-age (~3-5 Myr) σ Orionis cluster, combining UV-IR spectroscopy and mm-continuum observations. By analyzing high-resolution optical spectra, we explore wind diagnostics through the characterization of forbidden lines, particularly the [OI] 6300 Å line. A compelling case is made for external photoevaporation mostly affecting the innermost regions, where disks exhibit remarkably low masses.
In more hostile environments, such as the Orion Nebular Cluster, protoplanetary disks display striking teardrop-shaped clouds of ionized gas as massive stars irradiate the disk material. These objects, known as proplyds, are prime targets for studying the ionized structure of these systems. I will show the first spatially and spectrally resolved observations of 12 proplyds, taken with MUSE on the VLT. I will show striking images of the Orion proplyds, revealing their morphology across seven emission lines, and describe how the sizes of the ionization fronts and the mass-loss rates estimated for these sources confirmed the short lifetimes of the proplyds, which poses challenges for planet formation in clustered environments.
CO line emission supports large protoplanetary disk masses
april 01, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
dingshan deng, LPL, university of arizona
Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most abundant molecules in protoplanetary disks, and optically thin emission from its isotopologues has been detected in many disks. Surprisingly, the protoplanetary disk masses derived from CO line emission have been notably low and were inconsistent with the masses derived from other tracers. In this talk, I will discuss a new, comprehensive model that addresses the critical attributes related to CO: (a) isotope-selective chemistry, (b) freeze-out considering the grain-surface chemistry, and (c) gas density and temperature structures that are both consistent with the thermal pressure gradient. From this model, the CO line emission supports large masses in Myr-old disks. I will also present a simplified model that is capable of detailed modeling of individual targets, and its application to the disk of RU Lup. We find a disk mass larger than the Minimum Mass Solar Nebula, whereas previous estimates were around a Jupiter mass. An open-source Python-Fortran code DiskMINT (Disk Model for INdividual Targets) has also been released so that the community can extend this approach to any other disks.
Super-Earths are Common in Jupiter-like Orbits
april 09, 2024 (TUESDAY) | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO 550 & Zoom)
weicheng zang, cfa
Super-Earths and mini-Neptunes are absent in the relatively planet-rich Solar System, but the transit and radial velocity methods have demonstrated that they are common in short-period orbits. The standard core accretion planet formation theory predicts numerous “failed gas giant cores” in the wide orbits (>~ 1 AU), with masses of Super-Earth/mini-Neptune masses. The gravitational microlensing technique is currently the only method that can probe low-mass wide-orbit planets, but before 2020 such planets were barely detected, indicating a paucity of “failed gas giant cores”. Since 2020, I have been leading two projects to capture “failed gas giant cores”, which detected about 10 planets smaller than the detection record by 2020, suggesting that “failed gas giant cores” are common (about 1 per star). I will also introduce the statistical result from the largest microlensing planetary sample, from Earths to super-Jupiters, and the future missions for microlensing planets.
april 15, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
sarah moran, lpl, University of arizona
Talk1: Towards Consistent and Uniform Methods for Characterizing Scattered-Light Debris Disks: An Empirical Approach
april 22, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
justin hom, steward observatory, university of arizona
talk2: The Origin of Biomolecules and Information Polymers on Terrestrial Planets
april 22, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
ralph pudritz, McMaster University
The path towards reflected light imaging of exoplanets – 5 years of development with MagAO-X
april 29, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
sebastiaan haffert, steward observatory, University of arizona
The imminent era of the Extremely Large Telescopes, like the 25-meter Giant Magellan Telescope, will offer unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution, enabling new discoveries in all areas of astronomy and astrophysics. Among its top priorities is the discovery and characterization of Earth-like planets that could have climates like ours and where life could form and evolve – potentially answering one of the oldest questions of humankind; are we alone? However, direct detection, and characterization, of older exoplanets is challenging due to the contrast ratio that must be overcome. Realizing such a grand goal will only be possible if we invent and implement new technologies to fulfill the ultimate potential of the ELTs. I will present the new instruments and techniques that push us forward towards the grand goal of detecting extrasolar life that I developed during my past 5 years at Steward Observatory. These new techniques have been tested with the Magellan Adaptive Optics eXtreme (MagAO-X) system, a high-contrast imaging system for the 6.5m Magellan Telescope. We use MagAO-X as a pathfinder for GMT and every improvement we make along the way allows us to do novel and improved astronomical observations.
The complex image of star and planet formation in the harsh environment of Carina Nebula
may 06, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
dominika itrich, alien earths team, university of arizona
Most of our knowledge about how stars form comes from the observations of the nearest star-forming regions. Their proximity allows detailed study of individual objects. However, these regions all share similar properties and therefore do not give us a representative picture of star formation in our Galaxy. Most stars form in massive complexes hosting OB stars which can significantly influence their surroundings and change the otherwise peaceful evolution of lower-mass cluster members. In particular, they produce immense amounts of UV photons which can heat and ionise outer parts of protoplanetary disks leading to removal of disk material. This process of external photoevaporation has been extensively investigated in different clusters in Orion in moderate to high UV fields. Here, I present a spectroscopic study of young stars in an extreme environment of Carina Nebula Cluster. Deep, integral field unit observations of Trumpler 14 cluster from VLT/MUSE allowed detection and characterisation of low-mass cluster members down to 0.2 Msun. We use properties of individual stars to confirm a young age of Trumpler 14. We assess accretion properties of those stars measuring CaIRT emission lines and applying empirical relations connecting line luminosities with accretion. We test how varying across the cluster UV level impacts accretion properties. We complement the investigation with measurements of forbidden atomic emission lines tracing disk photoevaporation. I will discuss our results in the context of theoretical predictions of external photoevaporation and observational studies of other star-forming sites. I will also present alternative methods of spectral classification applicable to large datasets. Our results show feasibility of deep spectroscopic studies targeting faint, low-mass sources in the distant regions enabling investigations of environmental impact on star and planet formation across wide range of physical conditions.
Multiple facets of silicate clouds in substellar atmospheres
may 13, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (kuiper 309 & Zoom)
sarah moran, LPL, university of arizona
Silicate clouds in sub-stellar atmospheres have been suspected since Spitzer observations of brown dwarfs. With the MIRI instrument on JWST, we can now more deeply probe silicate features from 8 to 10 microns, exploring specific composition, particle size, and particle structure of these potential cloud materials. Recent characterization efforts have led to the identification in particular of silicon dioxide (SiO2) cloud features in brown dwarfs, and even more recently, for the first time in a transiting giant exoplanet. Previous modeling has primarily focused on crystalline quartz or amorphous silica to match observations. I will explore the possibility of other silicates that may be more likely to form at the pressure and temperature conditions of substellar upper atmospheres. I will show how these may be observationally distinguished from each other with current JWST observations. I will also discuss how such particles could be dynamically lofted and sedimented throughout the atmosphere, and what this may mean for the underlying chemical and dynamical processes governing these objects.
A Thermodynamic criterion for the formation of circumplanetary disks
may 20, 2024 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
leonardo krapp, university of arizona
The formation of circumplanetary disks is central to our understanding of giant planet formation, influencing their growth rate during the post-runaway phase and observability while embedded in protoplanetary disks. In this talk I will show the results from 3D global multifluid radiation hydrodynamics simulations with the FARGO3D code to define the thermodynamic conditions that enable circumplanetary disk formation around Jovian planets on wide orbits. Our simulations include stellar irradiation, viscous heating, static mesh refinement, and active calculation of opacity based on multifluid dust dynamics. I will showcase how that the inclusion of multifluid dust dynamics favors rotational support because dust settling produces an anisotropic opacity distribution that favors rapid cooling. Finally, I will discuss potential implications of our results such as the formation of spherical isentropic envelopes around young gas giant planets, rather than circumplanetary disks.
Fall 2023
Dust Evolution in the Dense Infrared-Dark Clouds
august 28, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
wanggi lim, IPAC
september 4, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | —-
Probing Young Planet Population with 3D Self-Consistent Thermodynamics
september 11, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
shangjia zhang, university of nevada
Protoplanetary disks are the birthplaces of planets. Over the past decade, there have been significant advancements in disk observations thanks to the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and extreme adaptive optics (ExAOs). Hundreds of disks have been observed at high angular resolutions, revealing rich substructures (e.g., gaps/rings) at various layers, some of which are perturbed by planets. A better understanding of disk physics holds great potential for unveiling more young planets within these substructures and distinguishing them from non-planet origins.
In this presentation, I will discuss how we can constrain the young planet population using statistical and machine learning techniques applied to these substructures. Additionally, I will explain the critical role of self-consistent dust and thermal structures in shaping disk morphology and kinematics, as well as why state-of-the-art radiation-hydrodynamic simulations are crucial for understanding substructures, planet formation, and the precise prediction of young planets.
NASA’s Europa Clipper mission to study the habitability of Europa
september 18, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Alfred mcewen, LPL, Planetary Image Research Lab
UNiversity of arizona
With launch planned in October 2024, NASA’s Europa Clipper will explore the habitability of Jupiter’s moon Europa. Arriving at Jupiter in 2030, the spacecraft will orbit Jupiter, flying by Europa more than 40 times over a four-year period to observe this moon’s ice shell and ocean, study its composition, investigate its geology, and search for and characterize any current activity. The mission’s science objectives will be accomplished using a highly capable suite of remote-sensing and in-situ instruments. The remote sensing payload consists of the Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS), the Europa Imaging System (EIS), the Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE), the Europa Thermal Imaging System (E-THEMIS), and the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON). The in-situ instruments comprise the Europa Clipper Magnetometer (ECM), the Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS), the SUrface Dust Analyzer (SUDA), and the MAss Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (MASPEX). Gravity and radio science will be achieved using the spacecraft’s telecommunication system. The spacecraft and payload are currently nearly complete, and system testing is underway. The Jupiter tour is complete, and work is beginning on detailed science planning to achieve the science objectives, which require multiple science instruments. The project has a “one science team” philosophy, which will be an interesting experiment for this type of mission. There are extensive plans for inclusion of a diverse community.
A multiwavelength perspective on planet formation conditions
september 25, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
catherine espaillat, Boston University
We know that protoplanetary disks surround many pre-main-sequence stars, but how these systems evolve into planetary systems is a fundamental question in astronomy. Multiwavelength studies of these variable young stars can provide insight into the star-disk connection and the conditions under which planets form. This talk will review key observations of protoplanetary disks and their young stars, focusing on multiwavelength observations and variability. I will discuss variable high-energy radiation fields generated by the accretion process (traced in the UV and optical) and disk masses and structures observed at longer wavelengths (in the IR and mm). To conclude, I will discuss possibilities for future progress in multiwavelength time-domain studies of these young systems.
Talk 1: Observations of Exoplanet Atmospheres, from the Ground and from Space
Talk 2: Bioverse and the Prospects for Observing Biosignatures
october 02 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Alien earths team, university of Arizona
Megan Mansfield (U Arizona/Steward Obs) & Kevin Hardegree-Ullman (U Arizona/Steward Obs)
New and upcoming space and ground-based facilities aim to deliver the first true measurements of biosignatures on rocky habitable zone planets. Recent studies have concluded JWST should be able to detect certain biosignatures such as CO2 and CH4 under the right exoplanet atmospheric conditions, but key biosignatures such as O2 will not be detectable. The collecting area, sensitivity, and wavelength coverage afforded by the ELTs make them the perfect platform to complement observations with space telescopes and can significantly increase our ability to detect biosignatures. We developed Bioverse, an open-source modular framework to simulate surveys, test hypotheses, and perform trade studies to assess the capabilities of upcoming and future facilities to detect exoplanet features such as biosignatures and address population-level questions. Our recent Bioverse simulations with the ELTs go beyond previous studies and account for constraints such as planet occurrence rates, relative system velocities, and target observability. I will present our new simulations, which predict whether or not Earth-like levels of O2 could be probed on Earth-sized exoplanets within 20 pc of the Sun, including the TRAPPIST-1 system. Bioverse, and the new capabilities added by our project, now enables realistic, systematic assessment of which hypotheses about habitable exoplanet atmospheres will be testable by joint constraints from the ELTs and new space facilities.
The ongoing hunt to detect the radio emissions of exoplanets
october 09, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
jake turner , cornell university
One of the most important properties of exoplanets has not yet been directly detected despite decades of searching: the presence of a magnetic field. Observations of an exoplanet’s magnetic field would yield constraints on its planetary properties that are difficult to study, such as its interior structure, atmospheric escape and dynamics, and any star-planet interactions. The presence of magnetic fields on gas giants also affects the understanding of their origins and evolution. Additionally, magnetic fields may contribute to the habitability of terrestrial exoplanets. Observing planetary auroral radio emission is the most promising method to detect exoplanetary magnetic fields.
In this talk, I will present our recent study of the Tau Bootis exoplanetary system where we have the first possible detection of an exoplanet in the radio using LOFAR (Turner et al. 2021). Assuming the emission is from the planet, we derived a maximum surface polar magnetic field for tau Boo b between ~5-11 G. The magnetic field and emission strengths we derived are consistent with theoretical predictions, and if this detection is confirmed it will place important constraints on dynamo theory, comparative planetology, and exoplanetary science in general. Additionally, I will present the first results of an extensive multi-site follow-up campaign to confirm the radio detection of tau Boo b. Our first observing campaign consists of low-frequency radio data taken simultaneously from NenuFAR and LOFAR. Preliminary analysis of this data show no signs of emission. Therefore, the original signal may have been caused by an unknown systemic or we are observing variability in the planetary radio flux due to observing at different parts of the stellar magnetic cycle. Our second follow-up observing campaign is designed to test the latter conclusion. We have coordinated observations of the magnetic maps of the host star alongside many months of intensive radio monitoring by NenuFAR. Preliminary results on the second campaign will be presented. Finally, I will briefly highlight the promising landscape of studying exoplanetary magnetic fields in the coming decades with future ground- and space-based radio telescopes
The Value of a Gibbous Asteroid: Connections between Phase Curves and Asteroid Taxonomy
october 16, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Zachary Murry, harvard university
The relationship of an asteroid’s magnitude to its phase has a long history of study including efforts to study the correlation between these parameters and spectral type. However, these efforts often suffer from the inclusion of only a few asteroids, missing phase curve data, uncorrected rotational or apparitional aberrations, and other issues. We take a closer look at the problem and figure out how much information about an asteroid’s spectral type is contained in its phase curve.
Characterizing the climates of temperate rocky exoplanets in the era of JWST
october 23, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Tad Komacek, university of maryland
The advent of JWST has enabled the first broadband spectroscopic studies of rocky exoplanets orbiting nearby stars. JWST will provide an opportunity to potentially constrain the atmospheric composition of rocky exoplanets that lie within the habitable zones of low-mass stars. However, such observational characterization via transmission spectroscopy may be formidable due to challenges associated with stellar activity, atmospheric loss, and high-altitude clouds and hazes. In this talk, I will discuss recent efforts to determine the extent that clouds and time-variability impact the transmission spectra of temperate rocky exoplanets orbiting M dwarf stars. To simulate the impact of clouds on the climate state and observable properties of rocky exoplanets, we use the ExoCAM GCM post-processed with the Planetary Spectrum Generator (PSG) Global Emission Spectra (GlobES) radiative transfer code. I will present simulations of 3D climate, atmospheric variability, and transmission spectra both for idealized systems of rocky exoplanets orbiting M dwarf stars, as well as the best habitable zone candidate for observational characterization, TRAPPIST-1e. By applying a novel dynamical systems framework, we find that many properties of the climate dynamics of TRAPPIST-1e are analogous to that of Earth, but the planet is strongly discrepant to Earth in its extreme climate behavior. We find that TRAPPIST-1e both undergoes amplification of nightside temperature (similar to polar amplification on Earth) and increasing high-altitude variability with increasing greenhouse gas complement. We also find that cloud coverage does not prevent detection of both the key habitability indicator water vapor as well as the potential carbon dioxide-methane biosignature pair in the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1e over the nominal lifetime of JWST. This implies that searching for disequilibrium biosignature pairs in the atmospheres of temperate rocky planets orbiting nearby low-mass stars may be feasible in the coming decade.
JWST as a Linchpin for Circumstellar Disk Science
october 30, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Schuyler Wolff, steward observatory, university of arizona
Since the discovery of the “Vega Phenomenon” with IRAS, circumstellar disks have been a growing field of study for their ability to serve as signposts for both stellar and planetary system evolution. The infrared is ideally suited to observe these systems where thermal emission from the dust peaks and solid state spectral features can elucidate the dust properties. JWST allows for unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution in the near to mid-IR and has already changed our view of several archetypal disk systems. I will present results from several disk-focused JWST GTO programs using both scattered light observations with NIRCam coronagraphy and thermal emission with MIRI. In a broader context, I will discuss the potential impact of JWST on our understanding of circumstellar disk physics and how it complements past and future observatories.
AI4Astro: Exploting star formation and ISM through artificial intellicence
november 06, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (So n305 & Zoom)
duo xu, university of virginia
TBAMachine learning, particularly deep learning, is transforming astronomy by enabling efficient processing of large datasets. Deep learning surpasses human capabilities in rapidly and accurately analyzing complex data such as images and data cubes in the field of the interstellar medium and star formation. Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) are machine learning algorithms inspired by diffusion thermodynamics, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance in various domains. DDPMs offer several advantages as tools for inferring physical quantities in astronomy, including stable training, robust performance, interpretability, and alignment with the inherent nature of scientific problems. In this talk, I will introduce applications of DDPMs to infer intrinsic physical quantities, such as volume density and interstellar radiation field, from observational data. I will also introduce how DDPMs can be used for segmentation tasks, such as segmenting filaments from dust emission.
Gas-Rich Debris Disks’ Origins in Slow Photoevaporation Around Intermediate-Mass Stars
november 08, 2023 (WEDNESDAY SPECIAL TALK) | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (TBA & Zoom)
Ryohei nakatani, NASA/JPL
A MANATEE Dive into Hot Jupiters with JWST
november 13, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Everett Schlawin, steward observatory, University of arizona
Transmission and emission spectra give insights into the composition, temperature structure, aerosols and formation of giant planets. The MANATEE survey probes the atmospheres of giant planets and extends from warm planets, where methane is expected to be a significant carbon reservoir to hot planets where carbon monoxide is a significant carbon reservoir, permitting study of the chemistry and physics of these planets. We will focus on two hot Jupiters: WASP-80 b, which has methane throughout its atmosphere and WASP-69 b, for which obtain new view of the dayside with a JWST emission spectrum to 2.1 to 11 microns. WASP-69 b’s atmosphere is enriched in heavy elements compared to solar composition, as evidenced by its carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and water vapor content. We also find an unexpectedly high planet-to-star flux ratio at short wavelengths, indicating a possible influence of clouds either by reflecting light or modifying the temperature structure. These JWST spectra open a new window into hot Jupiter atmospheres in the sub-1000 K temperature regime where chemical transitions and aerosol formation can occur.
constraining the physical properties and volatile contents of the original planetesimals
november 20, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
bryce bolin, NASA GSFC
Atmospheric Chemical Reaction Network Topology as a Potential Biosignature for Exoplanets
november 27, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Theresa Fisher , Alien earths team, EEB, University of arizona
With the ability to potentially observe the atmospheres of exoplanets via transit spectroscopy on the near-term horizon, the possibility of atmospheric biosignatures has received considerable attention into astrobiology. While traditionally the field was focused on biologically relevant trace gases such as O2 and CH4, this approach has raised the specter of false positives. Therefore, to address these shortcomings, a new set of methods is required to provide higher confidence in life detection.
One possible approach is measuring the topology of atmospheric chemical reaction networks (CRNs). To assess the use of CRNs as biosignatures, a large number of terrestrial worlds were modeled, divided into two categories: Anoxic Archean Earth-like planets that varied in terms of methane surface flux (featuring either biotic or abiotic sources), and modern Earth-like planets with and without a surface flux of CFC-12 (to represent the presence of industrial civilizations). Atmospheric CRNs were constructed from the converged models and analyzed their topology, finding that network metrics provided greater constraints on the presence of life or technology, particularly in the case of the Archean Earth models. These results suggest that atmospheric CRN topology can provide a lower risk of false positives in detecting exoplanet biosignatures.
Decoding Exoplanet Atmospheres: The Revolutionary Role of JWST
december 04, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Luis Welbanks, arizona state university
The 2020s and beyond will be the era of spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres. In just 2 years, our field has made dramatic advancements, moving from having very limited wavelength coverage and precision data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), to having high-precision spectroscopy over a wide wavelength range (~0.4 to 20μm) with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). These exquisite observations come with the opportunity to perform detailed reconnaissance of exoplanet atmospheres, explore their chemical and physical properties, and perform population-level studies to test our hypotheses for planet formation and evolution.
In this talk, I will share with you the advancements ushered by the era of JWST, allowing us to answer not only what exoplanet atmospheres are made of, but also which data drive our inferences and how reliable these inferences are. I will present the results from several programs with JWST. In these programs, we detect and constrain several chemical species that were previously elusive in exoplanetary atmospheres, including methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2), alongside several precise water (H2O) measurements. The atmospheric retrievals performed on these data provide insights into the dynamics, chemistry, and climatic conditions of these distant worlds, as well as their metallicities. They also provide the relative elemental ratios (C/O, N/O, N/S) necessary to better understand the formation and evolution pathways of planetary systems.
I will present our progress in robustly and accurately processing JWST Time-Series Observations data. Additionally, I’ll discuss modeling advancements and our methods for reliably inferring the complete chemical inventory of our diverse exoplanet sample. Our findings underscore the transformative power of JWST and pave the way for future, in-depth atmospheric investigations of a larger exoplanet population.
december 11, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
2023 – Spring
finding atmospheres on m dwarf terrestrial planets with jwst
january 23, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
megan mansfield,
alien earths team, Steward observatory, U Arizona
The launch of JWST in December 2021 opened up a new realm of transiting planets to atmospheric characterization. For the first time, we will have the necessary sensitivity to study detailed spectra of terrestrial planet atmospheres and begin to search for gases that could indicate a planet suitable for life. However, there remain several unknowns about terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs. A first order question in our search for habitable exoplanets is whether M dwarf planets hit with intense stellar radiation could hold onto atmospheres long enough to develop life. In this talk, I will first give a broad overview of the first exoplanet results from JWST and its expected capabilities for characterizing terrestrial planets. I will then present a method of using JWST to quickly determine which M dwarf planets host atmospheres by measuring secondary eclipse photometry with the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). Finally, I will discuss how this method will be applied in JWST programs later this year.
HALPHA: an HST search for accreting protoplanets in transition disk gaps
january 30, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Yifan zhou, University of texas, Austin
Atmosphere of an Accreting planet in Realistic Global Disk Models
february 6, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
leonardo krapp, Steward observatory, U arizona
Giant planet formation leads to two distinct classes of planets: gas giants like Jupiter whose mass is dominated by their gaseous envelope and ice giants where a much smaller envelope overlays a rocky or icy core of several Earth masses. What process halts the growth of ice giants and determines their final mass and composition is currently under hot debate. In this talk, I will present 3D multi-fluid hydrodynamics simulations of a planet embedded in a disk. I will focus on realistic cooling calculations with opacity based on self-consistent dust dynamics. In particular, I will showcase the regimes where the opacity of the planet envelope deviates from spherical symmetry, and therefore it may not be trivially cast in 1D models. This is critical to assess the scope of the leading core accretion theory and explain the exoplanets demographics.
Constraining the Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks in Clustered Star-formation Environments
february 13, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Ryan boyden, alien earths team,Steward observatory, U arizona
Protoplanetary disks are the birthplaces of planetary systems, and obtaining a complete picture of how planets form hinges on an understanding of how disks evolve throughout the Galaxy. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) provide the sensitivity and resolution needed to detect large samples of protoplanetary disks in young stellar clusters, the most common sites of star formation in our Galaxy. In this talk, I will present the analysis of deep, high-resolution ALMA CO(3-2) and HCO+(4-3) observations covering a large sample of disks in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). I first introduce the sample of disks that are detected in the observations, and then outline a novel procedure that utilizes thermochemical and line radiative transfer modeling to constrain the total disk masses, gas-to-dust ratios, and central stellar masses of the detected sources. I find that the ONC disks are massive and compact, with typical radii <100 AU, gas masses >1 Jupiter mass, and gas-to-dust ratios >=100. The ISM-like gas-to-dust ratios derived from thermochemical modeling suggest that compact disks in the ONC are less prone to gas-phase CO depletion than the massive, extended disks that are commonly found in lower-mass star-forming regions. The presence of massive gas disks indicates that a subset of disks in the ONC still have plenty of material to form giant planets, despite ongoing environmental effects. Finally, I will discuss my recent work with the VLA to constrain the free-free emission spectra and complete the census of ‘proplyds’ towards young stellar objects in the Orion NGC 1977 and NGC 2024 clusters.
february 20, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
logan pearce, steward observatory, U arizona
I will present an overview of several observational projects using high contrast imaging to probe planetary regimes of stars, particularly those with wide stellar companions. I will describe the unique utility of wide binaries in direct imaging observations and data reduction through the Binary Differential Imaging technique (BDI), and a new stellar binary discovered using BDI and astrometry with MagAO and MagAO-X. I will briefly discuss the MagAO-X extreme adaptive optics instrument, its current status and science goals, and two new direct imaging surveys I am conducting with MagAO-X: a white dwarf-main sequence binary survey and an accelerating stars survey. Finally I will discuss the follow-on instrument GMagAO-X for the Giant Magellan Telescope and a project I am beginning with collaborators at NASA Ames on modeling planets in reflected light imaging with GMagAO-X.
Revealing the population of forming giant planets (special talk)
february 22, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO 550 & Zoom)
Gabriele Cugno, University of Michigan
During the last years (sub-)mm and high contrast imaging observations have targeted dozens of circumstellar disks, revealing a breathtaking diversity in substructures like gaps, spirals, etc. It is thought that at least some of the observed structures are related to the formation of protoplanets. To test this hypothesis, in the past years the NaCo-ISPY large program collected deep high-contrast imaging data of more than 50 young protoplanetary disks. This is the largest existing survey uniquely focused on this type of objects and it provides a great opportunity to reveal young objects embedded in disks and statistically characterize their population. In this talk, I will present the newest results from the ISPY protoplanetary disks survey, including the detection of known and new companions and disks. In addition, detection limits were obtained, providing strong constraints on which planet architectures could exist and on the overall giant planet population around young stars.
Characterizing Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets in the Mid-Infrared
february 27, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
brittany miles, steward observatory, U Arizona
Brown dwarfs are high-quality testing grounds for atmospheric models and optimizing requirements for exoplanet-focused instrumentation. Brown dwarfs have similar atmospheric physics and chemistry to gas giant exoplanets, but are much easier to observe because they do not suffer from host star obscuration. I will discuss observational projects to characterize disequilibrium chemistry and cloud properties in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs in different effective temperature ranges. First, I took 3 – 4 micron spectra of VHS 1256b and PSO 318.5, two analogs of the HR 8799 planets using Keck/NIRSPEC. We detected depleted methane features, providing evidence of atmospheric disequilibrium chemistry. For my second project, we acquired Gemini/GNIRS 4.5 – 5 micron spectra of four ultra-cool brown dwarfs. Combined with previously existing mid-infrared spectra of four additional brown dwarfs I show that brown dwarfs 700 K and below have disequilibrium carbon monoxide absorption. Lastly, I will share the results of the JWST Early Release Science observations of VHS 1256b which cover 1 to 20 microns at medium resolution and show detections of water, methane, carbon monoxide and silicate cloud features.
No Talk
march 6, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
University of Arizona Spring Recess
Revealing Atmospheric Trends on Irradiated Brown Dwarfs with Phase-resolved HST/WFC3 Spectroscopy
march 13, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Rachael amaro, steward observatory, u arizona
Brown dwarfs in tidally-locked orbits around white dwarfs offer an exciting opportunity to explore properties of irradiated atmospheres. These highly irradiated brown dwarfs have ultrashort rotation periods (<2 hours), weak to strong internal heat flux, and intense external irradiation, making them an ideal testbed for investigating the importance of these parameters on key atmospheric processes. In this talk, we will present high-quality, phase-resolved HST/WFC3 spectroscopy from 1.1 to 1.7 microns of the binary system NLTT5306, a ~1700 K brown dwarf in a ~102 minute orbit around a white dwarf. With this brown dwarf, our team addressed two key questions driving atmospheric studies: (1) understanding the structure and formation/disruption of clouds under the presence of intense, tidally-locked irradiation, and (2) characterizing the efficiency of day-to-night heat redistribution. Finally, we end with an overview of the constraints on cloud cover and atmospheric dynamics in four irradiated brown dwarfs, exploring trends with irradiation level, temperature, and rotation period.
Prebiotic Chemistry in Hydrothermal Systems on Early Earth and Ocean Worlds
march 20, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Laurie Barge, JPL
It is theorized that life on Earth could have begun at seafloor hydrothermal vents – if so, this also provides a possible way for life to emerge on ocean worlds such as Saturn’s moon Enceladus which may host hydrothermal systems. However, hydrothermal vents on Earth host a variety of chemical conditions, which can result in different outcomes of prebiotic organic reactions. In this talk I will discuss our group’s work on simulating prebiotic hydrothermal chimneys and sediments, and the organic chemistry that can occur within. Particularly I will present results from our recent studies investigating how changing geochemical conditions can lead to different prebiotic reactions, and discuss different types of vents in which these conditions may be found. Our origin of life investigations aim to bridge the gap between geochemistry and biochemistry in an early Earth context, as well as to inform the search for life and its origin on other planets.
Coupling interior, atmosphere and microbial growth models to assess habitability and predict biosignatures
march 27, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Antonin Affholder,
alien earths team, steward observatory, u arizona
What constitutes evidence that an extraterrestrial environment could be habitable to certain organisms? What constitutes a clue that a biosphere might exist on a planet or a moon?
To tackle those questions, one must lay out the theoretical basis that can (i) assess whether certain conditions permit viability of a population of given organisms and (ii) couple the dynamics of such a population to geochemical processes that together shape the value of quantities measurable remotely: observables.In this Origins Seminar, I will describe how we modeled a hypothetical population of methanogens at Enceladus’s seafloor to assess the habitability and biosignatures of the icy Saturnian moon. Next, I describe how ongoing work aims to port this inference approach to assessment of habitability and biosignatures of terrestrial exoplanets using atmospheric spectrum.
Radio Perspectives on Star-Planet Interactions
april 3, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
melodie m. kao, UC Santa cruz, ASu
Planetary magnetic fields influence atmospheric evaporation from space weather, yield insights into planet interiors, and are essential for producing aurorae. The most direct way of measuring magnetic fields on exoplanets and their brown dwarf cousins is by observing their magnetospheric radio emission. Low-frequency radio arrays will soon be sensitive to exoplanet radio emission and provide a new means of exoplanet detection and characterization. Now is a critical time to prepare for these upcoming searches by harnessing detailed studies of radio emission on observationally accessible exoplanet analogs: planetary-mass and cold brown dwarfs. I will synthesize the state of the art for radio star-planet interactions as well as brown dwarf magnetospheric radio studies, discuss implications for exoplanet magnetism, and highlight opportunities for the next generation of ground- and space-based radio facilities.
Life in the Light: Photochemical Insights Towards Life as a Planetary Phenomenon
april 10, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
sukrit ranjan, LPL, University of arizona
Advances in origins-of-life chemistry are transforming our understanding of how life emerged on Earth, while upcoming space missions offer the prospect of detecting life on other worlds. Fundamental to both quests is interaction of UV radiation with molecular systems (photochemistry). Photochemistry controls the chemical context for the origin of life on Earth and influences the molecular signposts with which we hope to detect life elsewhere. I will share photochemical work which refines our understanding of early Earth environments, and demonstrate how such understanding enables assessment and improvement of theories of origins-of-life chemistry. I will discuss photochemical efforts to elucidate potential atmospheric biosignatures of life on other worlds, and show how the search for life on other worlds may enable tests of theories of the origin of life. In sum, I will review theoretical, experimental, and observational work towards understanding the origin and distribution of life in the universe through the lens of photochemistry.
Using ancient meteorite inclusions to constrain dynamics in the protoplanetary disk
april 17, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
emilie dunham, ucla
Ancient particles found in meteorites called calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) were the first-formed solids in the hot inner region of the Solar System and can be used as tracers of movement in the solar nebula disk. Carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) contain abundant CAIs but are thought to have accreted in the outer Solar System, requiring that CAIs must have been transported outward. Curiously, CAIs are rare in ordinary, enstatite, and rumuruti chondrites, non-carbonaceous chondrites (NCs), that likely formed in the inner Solar System. In this presentation, I will address whether the hypothesis of an early-formed proto-Jupiter “opening a gap” in the disk can explain the dichotomy in the relative abundance of CAIs in CC and NC chondrites. To do this, I will explore the abundance, size, and mineralogy of 232 new NC CAIs as well as Al-Mg and oxygen isotope systematics of a subset of these. We find that, though NC CAIs are less abundant (0.01 area%), smaller, and have less melilite than CC CAIs, both NC and CC CAIs have similar isotopic characteristics. Together, this suggests that NC and CC CAIs formed in the same environment over a ~400,000 year time period, that CAIs were transported outwards by disk diffusion, and that the proto-Jupiter gap trapped CAIs in the outer Solar System.
Nearby young moving groups: improvement on membership evaluation and the age of the beta-Pictoris moving group
april 24, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
jinhee lee, kasi, Korea & steward observatory (KASI-arizona fellow)
Nearby, young moving groups (NYMGs) are loose stellar associations with mean distances of smaller than 100 pc from the Sun. The proximity and youth of the NYMGs have placed the NYMGs a unique position in studies of stellar, substellar, and exoplanet astrophysics. For example, the NYMG members have been prime targets for the direct imaging of exoplanets. To fully take advantage of the usefulness of these NYMGs, the properties of NYMGs should be well defined. Numerous searches to NYMG members increase the number of identified members, and there are heterogeneities in member selection criteria that may cause confusion in membership status. It links to the properties of NYMGs and related studies such as planet mass estimation from direct imaging. In this talk, I will introduce an NYMG membership calculation tool BAMG (Bayesian Analysis of Moving Groups) developed by our research group. I will also present an age estimation study of the beta-Pictoris moving group using traceback methods. Finally, I will introduce our project of exoplanet survey using Gemini/IGRINS and a planned project of target preparation for direct exoplanet imaging survey preparing the GMT era.
The distribution of volatile elements during rocky planet formation, a laboratory perspective
may 1, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Terry-Ann Suer,
Laboratory For Laser Energetics, University of Rochester and Steward Observatory.
Understanding the accretion and distribution of highly volatiles elements (HVEs: H, C, N, S) during planet formation is crucial for studies of habitability. With the recent expansion in the inventory of rocky planets by exoplanetary surveys, much effort is going into modeling planet formation and evolution with particular emphasis on atmospheres. In addition to being major atmospheric components, volatile elements can also get sequestered into metallic cores and silicate mantles during differentiation. Distribution coefficients and solubilities of volatile elements between major planet forming reservoirs are therefore key inputs for the models being used to connect the astrophysical observables with surface and interior processes. Recent works have focused on investigating the effects of pressure, temperature and redox on the metal-silicate and magma-gas exchange coefficients for the HVEs. I will present major recent results from these laboratory works and theirapplication to quantifying distribution of HVEs in bodies of sizes from planetesimals to the Earth. The limitation of the current dataset for modeling bodies larger than the Earth will be discussed. I will also present preliminary experimental results on the effects of deep terrestrial magma ocean conditions on the interpretation of geochemical signatures, particularly those relevant to volatile accretion chronology.
The Quest for Exoplanet Oxygen with Extremely Large Telescopes
may 8, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Kevin Hardegree-Ullman,
alien earths team, steward observatory, u ariozna
Molecular oxygen is a strong indicator of life on Earth and may indicate biological processes on exoplanets too. Recent studies proposed that Earth-like O2 levels might be detectable on nearby exoplanets using high-resolution spectrographs on future extremely large telescopes (ELTs). However, these studies did not consider constraints like relative velocities, planet occurrence rates, and target observability. I will discuss our new comprehensive calculations accounting for these additional constraints. We updated and used the Bioverse framework to simulate a survey of M dwarfs within 20 pc to determine if it will be practically feasible to probe for Earth-like O2 levels on transiting habitable zone Earth analogs via transmission spectroscopy with the ELTs.
Bioverse and the habitable zone hypothesis
may 15, 2023 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
Martin Schlecker,
alien earths team, steward observatory, u arizona
The study of planetary habitability has become a major emerging research area, with critical implications for the future of exoplanet exploration and ambitious ground- and space-based telescope missions. Yet, habitability remains challenging to determine for individual planets. My talk focuses on comparative planetology as a means to overcome some of these challenges. I will discuss comparisons of planet population syntheses with exoplanet demographics that illuminate the requirements for habitable terrestrial planets, including the role of giant planets for their water inventory. I will further present Bioverse, a quantitative framework for assessing the diagnostic power of next-generation exoplanet surveys, and its application in testing the habitable zone hypothesis. Specifically, we explored the requirements for a mission to probe and characterize its inner edge: the runaway greenhouse transition. It appears that this first empirical test of the habitable zone concept may be imminent. It will help to guide the search for extraterrestrial life in the Universe.
2022 – Fall
Volatile chemistry in planet-forming disks
august 29, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
jennifer bergner, Alien earths team, University of Chicago
Planets form within disks composed of gas, ice, and dust in orbit around young stars. The distribution of volatiles (gas+ice) within these disks profoundly impacts both the chemical and physical outcomes of planet formation– including the delivery of prebiotic building blocks to new worlds. In this talk, I will highlight our recent advances in disentangling how organic complexity is built up during the star and planet formation sequence, the role of interstellar inheritance in setting disk volatile compositions, and the distinctive volatile chemistry at play during the planet formation epoch. These insights are gained by combining telescope observations, ice chemistry experiments, and disk simulations, each of which contributes an indispensable piece of the puzzle. Taken together, we are assembling a more complete picture of the chemical environment which regulates the formation, composition, and potential habitability of planetesimals and planets
lfast, the large fiber array spectroscopic telescope
september 06, 2022 (TUESDAY) | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
roger angel, Steward observatory, U Arizona
The LFAST concept is to use thousands of small telescopes combined by fibers for high resolution spectroscopy (R=100,000 – 150,000), in a way that will realize large cost savings and lead ultimately to an affordable ($1B) aperture of 20,000 m2. Such large aperture is needed, for example, to make a comprehensive search for biosignatures in the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets.
Each unit telescope of 0.76 m aperture (0.43 m2) will focus the image of a single star onto a fused silica fiber, subtending 1.32 arcsec. Our telescope design calls for a spherical mirror, with a 4-lens assembly at prime focus that corrects not only for spherical aberration, but also for atmospheric dispersion down to 30° elevation and for rapid image motion caused by seeing or wind jitter. A method for rapid production of such mirrors has been tested, in which a disc of borosilicate float glass is slumped over a high-precision polished mandrel to an accuracy that greatly reduces subsequent optical finishing time. For the first LFAST array, 1,200 m2 in collecting area, the telescopes will be mounted in the open in groups of 20 located 12 m apart., some 150 m in diameter, with a total of 132 mounts and 2,640 mirrors. The light from all the fibers will be combined at two central echelle spectrographs. Together, these cover simultaneously the spectral range 390 nm – 1700 nm. The targeted cost for this first installed LFAST telescope and fiber array is $60M.
Probing protoplanetary disk evolution using multi-wavelengths observations
september 12, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
marion Villenave, JPL
To form giant planets during protoplanetary disk lifetime, small micron sized particles must grow rapidly to larger grains. A full understanding of that process requires a detailed characterization of the radial and vertical structure of the gas-rich disks associated with young pre-main sequence stars. Multi-wavelengths observations of protoplanetary disks, for example in the millimeter and near-infrared, allow to probe two widely separated grain sizes that are differently affected by evolutionary mechanisms such as radial drift and vertical settling. In this talk, I will present constraints on both mechanisms using multi wavelengths observations, with a longer focus on disks seen edge-on. Highly inclined disks are of particular interest because they provide a unique point of view to unambiguously disentangle their vertical and radial dimensions. The modeling of multi-wavelength observations of such disks allows to identify high density regions, favorable for grain growth and planet formation, and to study the efficiency of planet formation in protoplanetary disks.
JWST’s First Stares at Transiting Exoplanet System
september 19, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO 305 & Zoom)
everett schlawin, steward observatory, u arizona
JWST is now peering into the atmospheres of planets and providing new insights about their composition with its unprecedented precision and window into the near-infrared and mid infrared. I will discuss our very first looks at the Universe from NASA’s premier space observatory, our initial performance tests as they relate to transiting planet science, what we learned about photometric stability from JWST’s first lightcurves of a transiting planet (HAT-P-14 b) and the systematic errors to look out for. I also will also share the first robust unambiguous detection of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet atmosphere (WASP-39 b) as part of a community Early Release Science program.
“Adding Insult to Injury” – The discovery of the Nadir impact crater
september 26, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL room 330 & Zoom)
veronica bray, LPL, U Arizona
Evidence of marine target impacts, binary impact craters, or impact clusters are rare on Earth. Seismic reflection data from the Guinea Plateau, West Africa, reveal a ≥8.5-km-wide structure buried below ~300 to 400 m of Paleogene sediment with characteristics consistent with a complex impact crater. These include an elevated rim above a terraced crater floor, a pronounced central uplift, and extensive subsurface deformation. Numerical simulations of crater formation indicate a marine target (~800-m water depth) impact of a ≥400-m asteroid, resulting in a train of large tsunami waves and the potential release of substantial quantities of greenhouse gases from shallow buried black shale deposits. Our stratigraphic framework suggests that the crater formed at or near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (~66 million years ago), approximately the same age as the Chicxulub impact crater. We hypothesize that this formed as part of a closely timed impact cluster or by breakup of a common parent asteroid.
The Gaia and Extreme AO Revolution: Discovering, Weighing, and Characterizing Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs
october 3, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Timothy brandt, UC Santa barbara
While thousands of exoplanets and brown dwarfs are known, the theoretical models that allow us to interpret their spectra and luminosities are anchored by just a few with independently measured masses, ages (from their host stars), and atmospheric properties (inferred from spectra). I will present a combination of three observational techniques–astrometry, radial velocity, and imaging–to discover, weigh, and characterize massive exoplanets and brown dwarfs. Advances in adaptive optics and infrared instrumentation now enable us to see young exoplanets millions of times fainter than their host stars. Despite huge gains in sensitivity, however, high-contrast imaging surveys remain plagued by a lack of discoveries. I have calibrated a huge data set of stellar reflex motions; it can identify unseen planets and brown dwarfs by the gravitational tugs they exert on their host stars, and enable us to measure their masses and orbits. We have already begun to discover and weigh new substellar companions by targeting accelerating stars. With masses, orbits, and spectra of a growing sample of planets and brown dwarfs, we can finally test models of substellar formation and evolution.
Complex Organic Molecules in the ISM: Methanol, Fullerenes, and Carbon Nanotubes
october 10, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
jacob bernal
alien earths team, LPL, U Arizona
The detection of Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) such as methanol and the fullerenes C60 /C70 in the interstellar medium (ISM) has transformed our understanding of chemistry in space, and have also raised the possibility for the presence of even larger molecules in astrophysical environments. In this talk I will highlight the recent mm-wave detection of methanol in cold molecular clouds at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. I will also discuss in situ heating of analog silicon carbide (SiC) presolar grains using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), designed to simulate shocks occurring in post-AGB stellar envelopes. These experimental findings reveal that heating the analog SiC grains yields C60-sized nanostructures, which later transform into multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). These MWCNTs are larger than any of the currently observed interstellar fullerene species, both in overall size and number of C atoms. The implications for both these findings on the interstellar chemical scenario will be discussed.
From the galactic to atomic scale: understanding planet formation and evolution
october 17, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
akash gupta, uCLA
TITLE: The ALMA-IMF Large Program: SiO Gas at Low and High Velocities, and First Results from CMF Analyses
october 24, 2022 | 12 pm noon (mst) | Hybrid (lpl 309 & Zoom)
allison towner, University of florida
Characterizing 3D Magnetic Fields in star-forming regions
october 31, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
yue hu, universitiy of wisconsin-madison
Magnetic field, turbulence, and self-gravity are important in understanding star formation. However, 3D magnetic field orientation and strength were barely accessed. Based on our recently understanding of dust polarization and anisotropic MHD turbulence, I will present two novel methods, i.e., polarization fraction analysis (PFA) and velocity gradient technique (VGT), in tracing the 3D magnetic field orientation. By combing with the Davis–Chandrasekhar-Fermi method or the Differential Measure Analysis, I will show that the 3D magnetic field distribution, including both orientation and strength, is successfully recovered in the low-mass star-forming region L1688. The second method VGT employs spectroscopic emission lines to derive the magnetic field. I will show that VGT-measurement advantageously gets rid of the contribution from the cloud’s foreground/background. By using multiple molecular tracers, VGT reveals the magnetic field’s variation in different volume density regimes. I will discuss gravitational collapse’s effects on velocity gradient and briefly present VGT’s application of tracing magnetic fields in nearby galaxies.
(small) ground-based telescopes are crucial for spaced-based observatories
november 7, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) = 11 Am PST | Hybrid (LPL 309 & Zoom)
robert zellem, JPL
Due to the efforts by numerous ground-based surveys and NASA’s Kepler and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of transiting exoplanets ideal for atmospheric characterization via spectroscopy with large platforms such as James Webb Space Telescope and ARIEL. However their next predicted mid-transit time could become so increasingly uncertain over time that significant overhead would be required to ensure the detection of the entire transit. As a result, follow-up observations to characterize these exoplanetary atmospheres would require less-efficient use of an observatory’s time—which is an issue for large platforms where minimizing observing overheads is a necessity. Here we demonstrate the power of citizen scientists operating smaller observatories (~1 m) to keep ephemerides “fresh,” defined here as when the 1σ uncertainty in the mid-transit time is less than half the transit duration. Here we describe Exoplanet Watch, a community-wide effort to perform ephemeris maintenance on transiting exoplanets by citizen scientists. Such observations can be conducted with even a 6 inch telescope, which has the potential to save up to ∼10,000 days for a 1000-planet survey.
MIRAC-5 and METIS: near and long-term prospects of ground-based MID-IR Astronomy
november 8, 2022 (TUESDAY) | 12 pm MST = 11AM PST | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Rory bowens, university of michigan
Mid-infrared astronomy is a critical wavelength regime for the study of targets from planets to galaxies. Paired with direct imaging, we can unveil knowledge of planet luminosities, temperatures, and atmospheric compositions. In this talk, I will discuss near and long-term advancements in the field of ground-based mid-IR imaging. First, I will present the fifth incarnation of the Mid-Infrared Array Camera (MIRAC-5) instrument which will use a new GeoSnap (3 – 13 microns) detector. As one of the only 3 – 13 micron cameras used in tandem with adaptive optics (AO), MIRAC-5 will be complementary to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and capable of characterizing gas giant exoplanets and imaging forming protoplanets (helping to characterize their circumplanetary disks). I will describe key features of the MIRAC-5 GeoSnap detector and summarize MIRAC-5’s important science capabilities, including prospects for obtaining the first continuum mid-infrared measurements for several gas giants and the first 10.2-10.8 micron NH3 detection in the atmosphere of the warm companion GJ 504b (Teff ~ 550 K) within 8 hours of observing time. MIRAC-5 will be commissioned on the MMT utilizing the new MAPS AO system in 2023. I will then discuss long-term plans for mid-IR direct imaging in the era of 30 m class telescopes which will have the angular resolution and sensitivity to directly image planets with R < 4 R⊕ around the very nearest stars. I predict yields from a direct imaging survey of a volume-limited sample of Sun-like stars with the Mid-Infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) instrument, planned for the 39 m European Southern Observatory Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). Using Kepler occurrence rates, a sample of stars with spectral types A-K within 6.5 pc, and simulated contrast curves based on an advanced model of what is achievable from coronagraphic imaging with adaptive optics, I estimate the expected yield from METIS using Monte Carlo simulations. I find the METIS expected yield of planets in the N2 band (10.10−12.40 μm) is 1.14 planets and also determined a 24.6% chance of detecting at least one Jovian planet in the background limited regime assuming a 1 h integration. I will conclude with an observing strategy aimed to maximize the possible yield for limited telescope time, resulting in 1.48 expected planets in the N2 band.
revealing Atmospheric Trends on Irradiated Brown Dwarfs with Phase-resolved HST/WFC3 Spectroscopy
november 14, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
rachael amaro,
alien earths team, steward observatory, u arizona
Complex organic molecules around low- and high-mass protostars
november 21, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (lpl 309 & Zoom)
Pooneh Nazari, leiden observatory
Planet cores are thought to start forming around protostars where many complex organic molecules are detected. Therefore, understanding the chemistry of these species helps us understand the chemistry of the forming planets. There are already high-sensitivity studies of complex chemistry toward single sources. However, a high-sensitivity statistical analysis of complex organics toward low- and high-mass protostars is missing. I will show results from observations of these species around ~40 high-mass protostars. Moreover, I will discuss how physical conditions can affect the observations of complex organics and our interpretation of the chemistry using radiative transfer models.
Inheritance of the Sun’s Short-Lived Radionuclides and Statistical Chronometry
november 28, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
steve desch, arizona state university
Rotational evolution of young stars
december 5, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (lpl 309 & Zoom)
Marina Kounkel, Vanderbilt University
In the recent years, with advancements of large surveys such as Gaia and TESS, the ability to measure ages of stars has significantly improved. Current census of stars with know ages exceeds a million stars, and it may soon increase by an order of magnitude. Through measuring rotational periods of variable stars with known ages, we develop an empirical gyrochronology relation of angular momentum evolution that is valid for slowly stars with ages up to 1 Gyr, with the typical precision of ~0.2-0.3 dex. Rapid rotators on the other hand appear to be associated with binary systems with intermediate range of separations, having been sped up following their loss of protoplanetary disks. These data enable detailed characterization of the early evolution of the fundamental properties of stars, and also reveal biases in our observations of the youngest stars.
The mysteries of gaps and pile-ups at planetary resonances
december 12, 2022 | 12 pm noon (MST) | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Renu Malhotra,
alien earths team, lpl, U Arizona
The orbital spacings of planets, the locations of planetesimal belts, the dynamical transport of planetary impactors, and the long term stability of planetary systems are all mostly controlled by orbital resonances. Orbital resonances also have practical applications, such as estimating exo-planet masses and designing low-thrust spacecraft trajectories. But orbital resonances are paradoxical, presenting the potential for enhanced stability as well as enhanced instability. In this pre-holiday edition of the Origins seminar I will attempt to explain some of the mysteries of gaps and pile-ups that are observed at planetary resonances.
2022 – Summer
planet formation across different stellar evolutions
august 1, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Hybrid (SO N305 & Zoom)
Nicolas Kurtovic, MPIA Heidelberg
Planet formation seems to be ubiquitous around young stellar objects. In this talk I will explore the conditions for planet formation across different stellar masses, disk ages, and stellar multiplicity, through the scope of ALMA observations. My work focuses on describing the finest details in the disks emission, to obtain insight into how their future planetary architectures will look like. More about my work in
2022 – Spring
The architectures of planetary systems: population synthesis meets observations
january 24, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Martin schlecker, steward observatory, University of arizona
Exoplanets are now routinely detected and their properties, such as their mass and orbital periods, can be constrained to high precision. While it is widely recognized that multiple planets per system are common, their mutual relationships are still largely unexplored. By confronting simulated planet populations with observed exoplanets, I will show that planetary properties and the architectures of their host planetary systems are related, and, more specifically, that observables of small planets on short orbits might be used to infer the existence of additional planetary companions. I will discuss how a solidification of this prediction has the power to constrain central open questions in contemporary planet formation theory, ranging from the efficiency of pebble accretion to planet migration.
Contextualising Planetary Systems Through Galactic Archaeology Surveys
january 31, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
jake clark, Fulbright Future Scholar, University of Southern Queensland
There is an ever growing abundance of stellar surveys exploring the formation and evolution of our galaxy. These surveys collect and derive the properties for 100,000s of stars, which can also be used to better understand the properties of planet-hosts across the Milky Way.
My talk will showcase how valuable such surveys can be to the exoplanet community through my dissertation work using the galactic archaeology survey known as GALAH. I have been able to use GALAH, along with other surveys to better characterise both the chemical and physical properties of stars observed by the TESS mission. This has led to learning more about the stellar populations of planet-hosts across the Galaxy to uncovering clues towards the formation mechanisms of ultra-short period planets. I will also show how my work is useful for exogeologists in calculating the potential compositions of newly found worlds, to better understand their potential habitability.
Alien Earths: The Search for Habitable Worlds around Nearby Stars
february 7, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
dániel apai, university of arizona (Steward observatory and LPL, University of Arizona)
Water planet thresholds: The topographic scope for land atop a stagnant lid
february 14, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Claire Guimond, University of Cambridge, Dept. of Earth Science
Small water budgets produce desert worlds and large ones produce water worlds, but there is a narrow range of water budgets that would grant a marbled surface to a rocky planet. A planet’s topography can delimit this range in that it controls how much water could rest on the surface before flooding it. Thus we take a step in quantifying water world limits by estimating how minimum surface elevation differences scale with planetary bulk properties. Our model does not require the presence of plate tectonics, an assumption which has constricted the scope of previous studies on exoplanet land fractions. We focus on the amplitudes of dynamic topography created by rising and sinking mantle plumes—obtained directly from models of mantle convection—but also explore rough limits to topography by other means. Rocky planets several times more massive than Earth can support much less topographic variation due to their stronger surface gravity and hotter interiors; these planets’ increased surface area is not enough to make up for low topography, so ocean basin capacities decrease with mass. In cooler thermal states, dynamically-supported topography alone could maintain subaerial land on Earth-size stagnant lid planets with surface water inventories of up to approximately 100 ppm of their mass (or half Earth’s ocean mass fraction). Considering the overall cap to topography on such planets would probably raise this threshold ocean mass fraction by an order of magnitude.
Molten exoplanets as a window into the earliest Earth
february 21, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Tim Lichtenberg, university of oxford (Alien earths team)
Due to the absence of a reliable rock record from the Hadean eon, our understanding of the planetary environment that gave rise to life on the earliest Earth is clouded. Upcoming exoplanet surveys, however, will significantly expand our view of the distribution and variability of rocky planets and their chemical inventories, giving opportunity to test scenarios of early planetary evolution. I will describe recent efforts to establish a comprehensive theoretical framework to simulate the coupled evolution of solidifying planetary mantles and their outgassing atmospheres on young rocky worlds for a wide range of instellation, mass, and composition. The presence or absence of magma oceans on short-period exoplanets can alter the observationally inferred bulk water abundance by up to one order of magnitude, motivating reassessments of previous escape studies including volatile locking in the planetary interior. Alternating cooling trajectories during primary envelope loss on sub-Neptunes can quench metal core formation and thus induce a qualitative change in mantle redox state, which alters the expected compositions of secondary atmospheres on super-Earths. Both of these effects are within the currently observationally accessible limits for individual exoplanetary systems and will be statistically testable with next-generation transit surveys. Increasing reconnaissance of high-temperature super-Earths will enable us to infer the early climatic and geodynamic evolution of temperate rocky worlds, and thus provide crucial information on the environmental context of the origins of life on Earth.
TITLE: The Roaring 20s: The Coming Revolution in Exoplanet Atmospheres
february 28, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Thomas Beatty, steward observatory, university of arizona
It is now clear that exoplanets are ubiquitous in the galaxy. Though our understanding of exoplanet demographics has dramatically expanded over the last quarter-century, many fundamental questions about their origins and physical properties remain. For example, we lack a complete understanding of the chemical and physical processes shaping exoplanet atmospheres, including a full description of their clouds, the abundances of specific species, and the role of disequilibrium chemistry. We also do not well understand what makes a terrestrial planet habitable, with conditions conducive to life, rather than a dead planet. The atmospheric characterization of exoplanets plays a key role in helping us answer these questions, and with successful launch of JWST and the construction of new ground-based facilities, we are poised at the start of a new era of exoplanet observations. I will discuss what atmospheric characterization observations have shown us, and what we can expect to see in the next few years, about planet formation pathways and evaluating the potential habitability of exoplanets.
TITLE: Providing new constraints on the surface composition of Europa
march 14, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Ishan Mishra, cornell university
Composition of Europa’s surface remains our best window into the composition of its subsurface ocean, and spectroscopy is our primary tool for characterizing its surface’s composition. Of special interest are trace species like organics and oxides, whose presence and abundance distributions can provide valuable insights into the potential habitability of the subsurface ocean. I will present a data analysis framework for reflectance data, based in Bayesian statistics, that specializes in picking out trace signals in spectroscopic data. This Bayesian framework can quantify confidence in the presence of a given species, constrain its parameters like abundance and average grain size with confidence intervals, and explore solution degeneracies. I will show examples of its application to Europan data from Juno and Galileo missions in my recently published works. I will also talk about my current project of using this framework to assess the feasibility of detection and characterization of organics on Europa with current and upcoming instruments
TITLE: the ancient solar system revealed by lkunar exploration and impact cratering
march 21, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Sam Cabot, yale university
Imminent Lunar exploration missions will provide opportunities to analyze the Moon’s regolith and resolve fundamental questions about the ancient Solar System. We discuss specific examples of ancient impact cratering processes that may have their signatures preserved in the Lunar regolith. First, we demonstrate that if Venus’ atmosphere was at any point thin and similar to Earth’s, then asteroid impacts transferred detectable amounts of lightly-shocked, Venusian surface material to the Moon’s surface. These rocks are well-preserved on the Moon, which lacks an atmosphere and significant geological activity. An ancient Venusian rock could constrain Venus’ history, and reveal the past existence of oceans. Second, we discuss how impact cratering may reveal the compositions and dynamical histories of Interstellar Objects (ISOs). At present, no theory satisfies both observational constraints and physical limitations imposed by formation processes. We show that impacts on Kuiper Belt analogues do not generate the sufficient quantity of large, nitrogen ice fragments necessary to explain ‘Oumuamua’s detection. We gauge the feasibility of identifying Lunar craters formed by anomalously fast (100 km/s) ISO impacts. While such craters should be extremely rare, melt volume and high-pressure petrology in Lunar craters may be diagnostic features once large volumes of material can be analyzed in situ.
TITLE: A Hydrodynamic study of the escape of metal species and excited hydrogen in the atmosphere of the hot jupiter WASP-121B
march 28, 2022 | 12 pm noon | hybrid (zoom + SO N305)
Chenliang Huang, LPL, University of Arizona
Imminent The heating by photoionization in the thermosphere of short-period exoplanets can drive hydrodynamic escape, which is key to understanding the evolution of planetary atmospheres and explaining transit observations. Besides powering atmospheric escape, the energy deposited by extreme UV photons from the host star can also be radiated away through collisionally excited atomic spectral lines. In addition, metals and excited-state hydrogen, which have lower ionization potentials than 13.6 eV, can absorb the longer wavelength photons in the stellar spectrum. These two factors, in addition to Roche lobe overflow, can cause the mass loss rate to exceed the traditional energy-limited value. In the near UV and optical transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-121b, recent observations have detected strong absorption features of Mg, Fe, Ca, and Hα, extending outside the planet’s Roche lobe. Studying these atomic signatures can directly trace the escaping atmosphere and constrain the thermal processes in the upper atmosphere. To understand these features, we construct a sophisticated forward model by expanding the capability of the exoplanet hydrodynamic atmosphere code introduced in Koskinen et al. 2013, to include important processes of atomic metal species and excited hydrogen. Using this model, we can reproduce and interpret detected atomic features in the transmission spectrum of WASP-121b self-consistently.
TITLE: Peering at Hazy Worlds Near and Far Through Laboratory Experiments
april 4, 2022 | 12 pm noon | hybrid (zoom + SO N305)
sarah moran, university of arizona (LPL)
Photochemical hazes are found across the Solar System and in exoplanetary atmospheres, with important effects on atmospheric chemistry and subsequent possible impacts on observations. These affect current observations from Hubble, future observations from JWST, as well as potential upcoming planetary missions. I will present results of the composition of haze particles produced from exoplanet and Triton laboratory studies in the JHU PHAZER laboratory. With high resolution mass spectrometry, we detected many complex molecular species in the haze particles, including those with prebiotic applications. We also measured the haze particles’ spectra with visible-infrared spectroscopy. Our experimental exoplanetary haze analogues exhibit diverse physical properties, which may help us understand their role as potential cloud condensation nuclei and their role in subsequent atmospheric evolution. The Triton experiments reveal the unexpected role of carbon monoxide and its effect on haze formation in Triton’s atmosphere and beyond. Finally, I will discuss how we can apply what we’ve learned from the laboratory into atmospheric models for existing and future observations of sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets as well as Neptune’s moon, Triton.
Towards Quantifying Habitability: Progress Update from the NExSS QuantHabitability Science Working Group
april 11, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Dániel Apai, University of Arizona, NExSS/Alien Earths Team
Exploring the chemical diversity of sub-Neptune planets
april 18, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
andrea guzman mesa, University of bern
april 25, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Steve Desch (ASU) & Sasha krot (univ of hawaii)
Meteoritic data is an exquisite tool for probing the conditions and events surrounding the early Solar System. An especially important clue to the Sun’s astronomical birth environment is the inference from meteorites that a dozen or more short-lived radionuclides (SLRs), with half-lives ~0.1-10 Myr, existed in the early Solar System. The discovery (Lee et al. 1976) of 26Al in the solar nebula immediately spawned theories (Cameron & Truran 1977) that the Sun had to have formed near a supernova. That image, though inaccurate, remains embedded in astronomers’ minds. But how should we interpret the meteoritic data?
Astrophysical models for the Sun’s formation today tend to fall into three camps. In “inheritance” models, the SLRs were all inherited from the Sun’s molecular cloud, which was likely enriched in SLRs by multiple generations of ‘nearby’ massive stars (supernovae, and especially Wolf-Rayet winds). In “injection” models, at least some SLRs were injected late into the collapsing molecular cloud, or even protoplanetary disk, by a single massive star (supernova or Wolf-Rayet wind). In “irradiation” models, at least some SLRs were created in the protoplanetary disk, by nuclear reactions involving Solar Energetic Particles.
These models predict different outcomes for the SLRs in meteorites. In “inheritance” models, all SLRs were present from the earliest times in the solar nebula, and spatially uniform. The abundances of SLRs in meteoritic components should reflect their time of formation. In “injection” models, temporal and possibly spatial heterogeneities in injected SLRs are predicted, with some isotopes (26Al and 60Fe) present before the injection but absent before. High abundances of 60Fe would demand such models. In “irradiation” models, SLR abundances, especially that of 10Be, should be higher near the Sun and likely decrease in time.
Determining which model(s) applies to the Solar System depends on answer three questions about three key SLRs in meteorites:
- What was the level of 60Fe (t1/2 = 2.6 Myr) in the early Solar System? If closer to 60Fe/56Fe ~ 10-6, this would imply injection from a nearby supernova. A level closer to 60Fe/56Fe ~ 10-8, would be consistent with inheritance.
- Was 26Al (t1/2 = 0.7 Myr) homogeneously distributed across time and space in the solar nebula? The existence of meteoritic components with very low 26Al/27Al, and/or big variations in different reservoirs, would appear more consistent with injection.
- Was 10Be (t1/2 = 1.4 Myr) homogeneously distributed across time and space in the solar nebula? Variations would imply an important role for irradiation.
Renowned meteoriticist Sasha Krot (U. Hawaii) and (mostly) astrophysicist Steve Desch (Arizona State) will offer different perspectives on the current answers to these questions.
Steve’s starting position is that the SLRs are overwhelmingly attributable to inheritance from the molecular cloud, with a very limited role for irradiation in the solar nebula, and essentially no role for injection. Previous inferences of a high abundance 60Fe/56Fe~10-6 were incorrect, and more recent inferences of 60Fe/56Fe~10-8 are correct. He would characterize the meteoritic components with low 26Al/27Al as being rare and in other ways atypical. The 10Be/9Be ratios in meteoritic components are not just predominantly uniform, but entirely consistent with a single homogeneous value, despite claims made about few inclusions. Steve would say the abundances of SLRs in the molecular cloud were set by a combination of Galactic Chemical Evolution plus self-enrichment by generations of previous massive stars in the same spiral arm, especially by Wolf-Rayet winds. The SLR abundances in different meteoritic components tend to comply with a single, consistent chronology.
Sasha’s starting position is that SLRs may be mostly determined by inheritance, but that the molecular cloud had spatial and temporal variations of SLRs due to injection of material into it, translating into heterogeneities in the disk. He also would agree that inferences of 60Fe/56Fe ~ 10-8 are correct, making a Wolf-Rayet wind more likely than a supernova to be injecting material. But Sasha is more likely than Steve to interpret the refractory Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) lacking 26Al to be widespread (e.g., >85% of CH CAIs), reflecting a true temporal (or spatial) heterogeneity in the disk. Likewise, Sasha attaches more significance to the findings of heterogeneous 10Be/9Be in CAIs. Sasha therefore sees a potentially significant role for injection and irradiation in the solar nebula.
Steve and Sasha may or may not come to an agreement on these issues, but the hope is that the audience walks away with a greater appreciation of the state of the field: what are the likely astrophysical models; how is meteoritic data collected and what are the current interpretations; and especially, what research in the near term could settle the debates!
understanding the carbon inventory pf terrestrial planets: earth’s depletion and implications for habitable planets
may 2, 2022 | 12 pm noon | hybrid (zoom + SO N305)
fred ciesla (Alien earths team, University of Chicago)
The bulk composition of a planet, and the accessibility of key molecules and elements at its surface will be critical in determining whether a biosphere can develop and be maintained. Water has long been recognized as an important ingredient for the formation and maintenance of life, and thus is the basis for defining the Habitable Zone for planets around a star. However, life requires access to many other molecules and elements, and their abundances must also be factored in when determining whether a planet may be suitable for life. The Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) exhibits a clear elemental depletion trend, with the abundance an element decreasing with decreasing condensation temperature. This holds for carbon, whose abundance is very low in the BSE. In this talk, I’ll review Earth’s carbon deficit and discuss the processes that may have operated during planet formation to define it. I will then discuss what this may mean for carbon inventories of other planets, particularly terrestrial planets which formed in the Habitable Zones of their host stars.
Observational constraints on the chemical complexity and evolution of low mass starless and prestellar core
may 9, 2022 | 12 pm noon | hybrid (zoom + SO N305)
samantha Scibelli
steward observatory, University of arizona
Before a low-mass (M ≤ few solar masses) star like our Sun is formed, it is conceived inside a cold (~10 K) and dense (> 105 cm-3) region of gas and dust known as starless or dynamically evolved prestellar core. It is essential to study the chemical complexity and evolution of prestellar cores because they set the initial conditions of star and planet formation. Observations of complex organic molecules (COMs) in prestellar cores has sparked interest in the star formation community due to the astrochemical and astrobiological implications. I will discuss my observations and abundance measurements of COMs in prestellar and starless cores in the Taurus Molecular Cloud, the prevalence of which support the idea that some COMs are seeded early on before the formation of protostars and planets. I also will discuss my recent modeling efforts to pinpoint the exact evolutionary states of a subset of these cores. Outside of Taurus, it is still unclear how abundance and evolutionary trends hold for prestellar cores in different environments. I will present early results from a new COM survey in the Perseus and Aquila molecular clouds that targets more than 50 starless cores. I stress that studying the limits of chemical complexity in prestellar cores is crucial for tracing how COMs are inherited from a cold core to a planetary system.
A Bayesian, population level approach to constrain planet formation based on ALMA disk measurements
may 10, 2022 (special origins talk) | 12 pm noon | hybrid (zoom + LPL309)
REmo burn, MPIA, heidelberg
A planet formation model can only be tested against observations if the initial properties of the protoplanetary disk are constrained. The most robust data is however obtained for evolved Class II objects with ages around 2 Myr. After a brief review of recent advances in population synthesis models, I focus on a Bayesian retrieval study of initial conditions and unknown parameters like the strength of viscous turbulence. We based the retrieval on observations of disks in young clusters on the ALMA continuum millimeter flux and accretion luminosity plane. As forward model, we use a neural net trained on 100’000 realizations of a viscous disk model including dust evolution and planetesimal formation. Within this framework, we find preliminary posterior distributions of key quantities describing the disks and can therefore constrain the stage for planet formation. Our Bayesian framework is well suited to produce distributions of parameters which can be used in future planet formation studies.
The Long and Short of It: the Population of Earths, from Short Periods to the Habitable Zone
may 16, 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Galen bergsten (LPL, Universit of Arizona, Alien earths)
The search for the “next Earth” requires an understanding of the frequency and distribution of Earth-sized extrasolar planets in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars. Yet a lack of reliable detections for such planets has forced many estimates to be based on extrapolations from the population of planets much closer to their stars. However, these close-in planets might lose their atmospheres due to irradiation from their host stars, causing their distributions to evolve differently than those of planets in the habitable zone. In this talk, I will first discuss the population-level atmospheric evolution of small short-period planets, and consider how this relates to observations of the present-day planet population. I will then introduce a framework which shows how the evolved distribution of these planets is linked to the mass of their host stars, which may provide insights into the dominant mechanism(s) of atmospheric loss. I will also discuss how this characterization of shorter-period planets can be used to constrain the abundance of planets in the longer-period habitable zone, and consider how new estimates might impact future missions to detect and characterize Earth-sized habitable exoplanets.
Postponed to Fall 2022 semester
——— 2022 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
NEID team
Postponed to Fall 2022
Previous talks in Spring 2021
Simulating Observations of Protoplanetary Disk Ices
April 12, 2021 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Nick Ballering, University of Virginia
Ices play a crucial role in planet formation and the delivery of volatiles to terrestrial planets, yet direct observations of ices in protoplanetary disks have, to date, been limited. Upcoming observational facilities—including JWST, SPHEREx, new SOFIA instrumentation, and potentially OST—will greatly enhance our view of disk ices by measuring their infrared spectral features. I will present a suite of models designed to complement these upcoming observations. The models use a kinetics-based gas-grain chemical evolution code to simulate the distribution of ices in a disk, followed by radiative transfer code using a subset of key ice species to simulate the observations. I will discuss which ice species are readily detectable and how the observable features vary with disk inclination, initial chemical composition, and subsequent chemical evolution. I will also highlight the value of obtaining spatially resolved spectra of edge-on disks (possible with JWST’s integral field units) to constrain the vertical distribution of ices and isolate features from ices closer to the disk midplane.
Understanding Planetary System Formation Through Astrochemistry
April 12, 2021 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
ILSE Cleeves, University of Virginia
Historically, our understanding of planet formation and the origins of planets’ compositions has been largely informed by our Solar System. However, we are just one system, and now with facilities like NASA’s Kepler and TESS telescopes, we are discovering a wide variety of planet types and architectures, many of which are unlike our own. In the last five years, the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array has simultaneously revolutionized our understanding of planet formation by imaging disks around young stars at high resolution and with high sensitivity. In this presentation, I will discuss how observations of molecular spectral line emission in protoplanetary disks can shed light on 1) the compositions of future planets; and 2) the key physics governing disk evolution during the first few million years of evolution, to help us move toward a more general picture of planet formation, at home and abroad..
Debate: Direct versus Indirect Evidence: Where are the Planets?
April 26, 2021 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Molecules with ALMA on planet-forming scales
May 3, 2021 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
MAPS Collaboration
Visible high-contrast imaging of young stellar systems
May 10, 2021 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Sebastian Haffert, University of Arizona
ABSTRACT:In the past decade multiple high-contrast imaging instruments have done surveys of stellar systems. Most of these observations have been targeting the (near) infrared wavelength range. Few observations have been done at optical wavelengths. The commissioning of the Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics (LTAO) system together with the integral-field spectrograph MUSE on the VLT enables novel observation of young stellar objects. In this talk I will give an overview of our recent results where we searched for accreting proto-planets in circum-stellar disks, characterized accreting sub-stellar companions and probe stellar outflows down to AU scales.
Me and my neighbors. Protoplanetary disk evolution with external disturbances
May 24, 2021 | 12 pm noon | Zoom
Carlo Manara, ESO
In the last years we have expanded our understanding of when, where, and how planets form. In particular, we are starting to constrain the timescale on which planets form, and to have a better understanding of the properties of their natal disks. Whether these properties of protoplanetary disks are similar in different stellar environments is still matter of debate. The mechanisms driving disk evolution, which are tested by combining spectroscopic and millimetre observations of disks and their stars, can be different in more massive clusters with respect to the nearby low-mass star-forming regions. In this talk I will focus on how we can test disk evolution in dense and massive environments by studying protoplanetary disks around multiple stellar systems with ALMA, the accretion rate to disk mass relation in regions with on-going external photoevaporation, and spatially resolved IFU VLT/MUSE data on proplyds in the Orion Nebula Cluster.